emails are so cool! tbvh most my friends don't even check their emails unless its work stuff; whatsapp is preferred almost always. the only person i email on and off is this friend of mine in the US; the only reason being that he too has a disdain for the immediacy that whatsapp and all other soical media brings with it. also, i don't know of any epistolary novel - any recommendations for a beginner in that genre?!

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i love emails too!! i also love texts tho i do realise that 90% of texting is like background noise now. i also hate the reply immediately anxiety i always feel while texting. it's the worst. on that note, pls do mention your favourite epistolary novels. i enjoy the genre too.

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hello, i realise this is incredibly late but your mention of epistolary fiction reminded me of flowers for algernon - not sure if it's exactly what you meant, but you could check it out and see if it interests you!

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Big smile on my face the entire time I was reading this. Request you to send me your address, via email, so I can send you a letter in the post. Never too late to be pen pals.

P.S. I rely heavily on autocorrect to make me sound like an adult, the letter will be... interesting.

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